Harmonize the Holidays / Ignite the Sound
Two guest nights being offered by Ruston's Piney Hills Harmony Chorus will help singers both "Harmonize the Holidays" and "Ignite the Sound." The chorus, a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, is inviting area women age 13 and up to attend rehearsals Nov. 10 and/or Nov. 17 in preparation to sing as guests with the chorus during its holiday performances. Another aspect of the guest nights is to help the chorus amplify its sound by adding new members as it prepares for regional competition, set for March 25, 2023. Sweet Adelines International is currently conducting an "Ignite the Sound" recruitment initiative. Since the initiative's launch this summer, Sweet Adelines, which has members in 12 countries, has added more than 300 singers to its ranks. Piney Hills Harmony currently has 22 members from four parishes. Director Candice Bassett said no experience is necessary to participate in the upcoming activities, just the ability to "carry a tune and hold your own part in the group." Sheet music and learning tracks of each part for each song will be provided. Voices of all ranges – from very high to very low – are welcome. "Participants will be aided by musical leaders to help them fit their voices into the chorus, learning to sing four-part harmony," Bassett said. Among the Christmas songs the chorus is working on are "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" and "Silent Night." The classic swing tune "L-O-V-E" is one of the competition songs. The chorus meets at 6:30 p.m. on Thursdays in the fellowship hall of the Presbyterian Church of Ruston, 212 N. Bonner. For more information, contact membership chair Sallie Rose Hollis at sallierose@mail.com. You can also visit www.pineyhillsharmony.org and "Piney Hills Harmony / Sweet Adelines International" on Facebook.
Date and Time
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
6:30 PM - 8:45 PM CST
11/17/2022 6:30-8:45 p.m.
212 N. Bonner, Ruston, LA
Contact Information
Sallie Rose Hollis, VP & Membership Chair
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